How one should bind hook[s] for the
whole year and according to each
In the first May thus take a dark
feather and black
light brown under that so it gives a
good shine underneath.
And what you may have of black
feather, that
you should lay on top and golden and
black silk under that
and a red hook with red feather and
gold and red [silk]
under it. Therefore you have quite
enough for first May.
Should the water be turbid or
swollen, then make your hook
or the feather so much larger.
In June [“second May”] take a light
brown feather and
black and red [silk] under that and
take a white feather and
gold and black [silk] under that and
take a reddish brown feather
and white and red [silk] under that
and for a black
hook tied with it and a red hook
also always
on the line as I have written before
and make that
well tied and large and adjust
yourself according to
the water [conditions] as I have
written before.
In the first August you should bind
a red tuft of
red feathers with red and with brown
[silk] and a golden
breast under that. After that you
should bind dark gray
feather and bind silver and red silk
under that and
take white partridge feather and bind white and a red
silk under that. Take a red stingel feather
and bind
red and yellow [silk] under that and
for always a black
hook and a red [one] on the line and
adjust yourself always
according to the water [conditions].
In September [“second August”] thus
take ash-colored feather
and bind under that gray and light
blue [silk] and take
yellow feather and bind red and
yellow [silk] under that
with a golden breast and take
wryneck feather and bind gray and
white [silk] under that
and take the white [feathers] of the
woodpecker which he has beneath
the crop and mix them among another
feather that is
light gray and bind red and white
[silk] under that and
bind the two hooks as before and
adjust yourself
according to the water.
In October [“first autumn”] thus
take pale mousey brown feather
with white and with red [silk] and a
golden breast
under that and take a gray feather
from a
heron and take gold and gray [silk]
under that and
take dark glass-colored [feather] and
bind red and white
under that and a yellow hook as I
have previously
written and work hard so that the
smaller the water
is, so the smaller you should tie
and black
and red [hooks on the line] as
In November [“other autumn”] you
should bind really small and should
lay down a light gray feather and
light blue and white [silk]
under that and take green woodpecker
feathers and wind green
and yellow [silk] under that and
take light ash-colored feather and
wind gold and white [silk] under
that. What you take thus of pale feathers,
that is all good, and take red and
white [silk] as before.
So you have the entire art/craft
[chunst] of the tying and what you
would make as a breast for every
month and on
all hooks, which you should do in
the color as this is tied.