Sunday, August 12, 2018

224/365/Poetry and Form

Last Sunday I finally went to the swimming hole with my friend. It will likely be the only time this summer. Her Italian lover was due to arrive that night, and she was nervous, for many reasons. A big one: he was bringing his two daughters, whom she’d never met, and he would meet hers. There would be a couple of weeks of being all together, when it had only been just the two of them before.

But by Monday night, she’d texted me a photo of his Speedo hanging on her dresser drawer pull. (And yes, the double entendre of drawer pull is just now hitting me.)

So I replied with my first text [reverse] haiku:

Speedo hangs on my dresser
(why did I worry?)
like it’s been there forever


  1. I hope it gets to make a home there

  2. Please leave it right there
    Speedos are cute on children
    Over ten, mistake.

    1. I'm pretty much anti-Speedo. I haven't seen it on him, but he's skinny, so I'm betting it's OK.

  3. I'm laughing at Speedo. So Italian!

  4. Did anyone notice it's a reverse haiku? Thanks, Sabine.
