Sunday, August 9, 2020

covid notes 19

Body maintenance: I was taking a 13-week break from Jen that turned into 20 weeks, 5 days; my next appointment was 4 weeks later, and another 4 weeks after that. I didn’t see Shawnon for 13 weeks, 5 days, but had the next appointment 8 weeks later (no hair dryers!); she’s having surgery next week, so I won’t see her for 11 weeks. I didn’t see Roseanne for 12 weeks, 1 day; then 6 weeks, 2 days later when I had an emergency, with a follow-up of 1 week, 4 days after that (my original-appointment-turned-check-in).


We wear masks. Some take my temperature. Apparently these are the risks I am willing to take.


  1. You do what you need to do. I had my hair cut and colored in July (I think) and won't see Doug again until late September.

  2. It must be so scary making these decisions. Yet millions around the world are doing it.

    ... I'm trying to figure out which one does which, but I could be barking up some very inappropriate trees.
