Saturday, October 20, 2018

288/365/Scary Stuff

For Susan and Helen: One night I woke suddenly, not hearing something, exactly, but sensing it, and I shook Tim awake and said there’s a bat in the bedroom, flying over our heads, and he said that’ s ridiculous, so he turned on the light, and there was a bat flying over our heads, and I love bats but I don’t like sharing an indoor dwelling with them so I freakishly ran to the hallway, closed all the doors to other rooms, opened the hallway window, turned off the lights, and when the bat flew into the hall we shut ourselves into our room and hoped the bat would find the open window and we didn’t open a door til the next morning and we never saw the bat again.


  1. I has probably turned back into a vampire by now.

  2. Sounds a lot like my bat in the bedroom story.

  3. Lucky you do not have cats. They love a good bat-in-the-house scenario.

  4. A scary story with a happy ending. Perfect.
