Monday, July 30, 2018


I did recently order two books, despite the fact that I can’t bring more books into the house.

One, ironically (or not), is a book about hoarding, and so far it may be the most helpful book on the subject that I’ve read. It’s called Digging Out: Helping Your Loved One Manage Clutter, Hoarding & Compulsive Acquiring, and so far it seems to acknowledge that you aren’t going to be able to change the hoarder, so are there other ways to move forward with your relationship, etc. It’s been fascinating to read something that is so familiar. It’s always hard for me to believe that there are other people out there dealing with this. I’ve met a few, but not many. But given the DSM-V, and given the books I read, clearly my mother is a classic case, and there are enough cases in the world that one can classify.


  1. My hoarder was my grandmother so I was removed from the day to day, just assisting with the aftermath when she died. But my sister fits the description of obsessive compulsive personality and my father is a hurtful narcissist so I've found that books help if only to reassure me that it's not me. I'm actually seeing what I'm seeing.

  2. And hopefully, knowing you are not the only ones going through this.
