Wednesday, June 13, 2018


[off-topic whine]
Really? You’re quitting now? Eighteen years and you send the director a 2-weeks-notice text while you’re on vacation? When you come back, you say you just don’t like her leadership style, but you’ve never mentioned this before? You skip today’s staff meeting so none of us can talk with you about it? We have fiftieth-anniversary celebrations happening. There is a festival coming up. You’re in the middle of building an already-under-contract traveling exhibit. You’re the only one who can do this. You aren’t headed to another job. What happened to that professionalism we all thought you had?


  1. Ouch. This reminds me of when I resigned my job, and I wasn't heading to another. Though I gave a month's notice. Now I feel guilty! (Actually, considering everything they got out of me, not really.)

    1. Yes, a month, not two weeks when most of the two weeks is spent out of the office. Or at least I'm assuming. Do not feel guilty.

  2. Wow. I wonder if there is something private going on with her.

    1. We are wondering a lot of things, it was so sudden, unexpected, and oddly mean-spirited (out of character). And it's not a her.

  3. When I first read this, I wondered if "you" was you. I can totally understand how people reach some sort of breaking point and do something that other people perceive as reckless or otherwise.
