Sunday, February 4, 2018

35/365/Objects in 61

Last month, in my effort to get rid of things, I tossed a can of tomato juice with an six-years-ago expiration date. I only buy tomato juice when I make peanut stew, and it’s only available in too-much-for-the-recipe quantities, so the leftover either rots in the fridge (open bottle) or needs to be thrown out six years later (cans). Guilt ensues.


  1. I do the same thing with so many Asian ingredients. Who knows how long hoisin sauce is actually good, or brown bean paste? But now I want to eat peanut stew, and have no tomato juice. Sigh.

  2. Now I'm curious about the recipe for peanut stew. Maybe in food month?

    1. It's from Sundays at Moosewood, the West African peanut soup. There are a bunch online that claim to be it but aren't (no cabbage). This is it, I think, but don't have time to check. I leave out the cayenne now having had a few accidents with it. I don't use sugar, but you might, depending on the peanut butter.

    2. That is, there should not be cabbage in this soup!

  3. Once cans are dusty in my close pantry, I know it's time.

  4. I think you're lucky it didn't explode. Canned goods are funny that way. I once posted a poem in my blog about eating 12-year-old applesauce from the freezer. Frozen stuff doesn't explode. (Thank goodness, or my basement would be quite the mess.)

  5. Maybe you should try making it with clamato juice.
