Saturday, August 29, 2020

covid notes 36

OK, here’s something. In the midst of getting some of these house projects done in June, I did my annual window washing/blind dusting, which longtime readers of Route 153 know is a BIG DEAL in this house of 30+ windows and doors. It’s a task that takes a few days, and sometimes those few days have many days between them. There’s a part of me that enjoys it, oddly, but this year I think I enjoyed it more than usual, and I suspect it was because it felt like something normal and ritualistic in the face of all the abnormal.


Given that I do this only once a year, I’m sure it’s impossible for anyone to ever tell that I’ve done it at all. But I know.


  1. I remember one of your posts about washing windows on your house and was not at all envious! I'm glad this year it gave you some relief.

  2. I'm glad it was enjoyable! We have big windows here (eight floor to ceiling windows/doors, skylights, etc etc) - want to volunteer to do them for us? (I tend to leave it to the wind and the rain!)

    1. Mali, how do you even wash windows that large? I can only do most of mine because they lean into the house...
