Tuesday, April 24, 2018

105/365/People in 56/Laura

When she arrived, she drew people to her like kids to fireflies. She’s hardworking and down to earth and makes things happen. She’s not afraid to call it as she sees it. When she left, my heart felt ripped out—well, broken, anyway. She was my Survivor-watching buddy. She’s my hero. I really miss her. Listen . . .


  1. It sounds like Laura left a hole in your heart

  2. Those people are so rare. You should have imprisoned her in your basement.

  3. Dona said exactly what I would have said.
    And I'll add to Sabine's comment - or in the attic, with a bottle of wine.

  4. What they all said. (I hate it when I'm late to respond and everyone else is so much smarter than me!) Welcome back, btw. Missed you.
