Greetings from Day 11 of 14 days of quarantine. After Tim returned from the Adirondacks on Sunday, and having found out that our friend Amy had had a tent visit with my mother, which is the first we’d heard it was possible, and knowing it was only going to get colder and then there would be no tent visits, and knowing we hadn’t seen my mother or his (who has dementia) and her husband since Christmas, we decided that Tim would not start his quarantine on Monday, rather on Tuesday we would leave town for a road warrior trip and quarantine together when we got home.
Our quarantine hasn’t been 100% perfect, because we made the decision to leave town too quickly to get all the food in the house and therefore had to go to the grocery store, which technically, we aren’t supposed to do during those two weeks. We also have been exercising outside, alone or alonetogether, mostly on our bikes—this is allowed. We also go to the post office to get our mail, but we tend to go during hours when the window is closed and we are unlikely to run into anybody.
This isolating behavior has been a disappointment to our 80-year-old friend Paul, who rightly wanted to have a screened-in porch sit last weekend, one of the most beautiful of the year, before it turns cold. Luckily, he understood how upset I might be if I happened to give him covid.
If you want to read more about Vermont’s quarantine suggestions, go here.
Check out the travel map Vermont provides, which is pretty fascinating and is finally being updated on Tuesdays instead of Fridays so that people have time to cancel reservations if their destination switches from green to yellow or red. The New York county right next to us recently went yellow—that’s where my closest grocery store is. I’m still allowed to go there because getting food is essential, but of course I’m quarantining now.
As much as one would think that quarantining isn’t much different from what everyone is doing anyway, it does add another layer of inconvenience and loneliness. I’ll be glad when it’s over.